By Emily Trampetti, LE

Here are my 10 easy and inexpensive ways to boost your skin’s appearance in only 10 minutes!

  1. Go for a 10 minute walk

Skin health is all about getting good circulation and even a quick walk or easy movement can help pull more nutrients to the skin and help you look more awake and glowing.

  1. Cooling spoon massage

Throw a kitchen spoon in the fridge for 2-5 minutes, and give yourself a 5 minute gentle massage by gliding the cooled spoon across your skin. Focus on moving the spoon from the center of the face to the outward part of the face, and preferably in an upward motion to give you some lift. This is great for when you feel puffy, red and/or tired. Just be gentle with pressure!

  1. Grab a hydrating mist

A great way to refresh the skin is by using a vitamin and mineral-rich hydrating mist to awaken the skin and complexion. The skin is always in need of extra hydration and giving yourself a spritz throughout the day can really help you continue to look fresh all day long.

  1. Get sheet faced

Cleanse your skin and do a quick 10 minute hydrating sheet mask. For an extra boost, put a targeted serum underneath to help push all of those wonderful ingredients deeper in the skin. I love doing this as part of any “night out” routine.

  1. Orgasm

If you don’t feel like going for a walk, an orgasm will also do! This helps increase that circulation and give you a radiant glow in return. Just sayin.

  1. Use your favorite LED device

LED light therapy devices are safe and effective at helping to reduce inflammation, increase circulation and even fight acne. I love to do a quick 10 minute session on bare skin whenever I want to increase my skin’s energy and functionality – it’s like giving your skin an energy drink!

  1. Practice deep breathing 

The oxygen we take in through our lungs gets distributed into our bloodstream where it travels to nourish the skin cells. When we take some time to focus on taking in deep breaths throughout the day, we are able to supply our skin with more oxygen and nutrients to look its best. Think deep belly breaths for best results!

  1. Do some face yoga

Gentle face movement – basically flexing and moving different muscles in teh face and neck – can help improve circulation and tone facial muscles. It can also help move lymph which improves the body’s natural detoxification process. For tips, just Google it and you’ll find tons of exercises you can try in ten minutes. One of my favorite ones is to open your mouth and stick out your tongue while stretching your neck out. It’s excellent for draining lymph and relieving tension,

  1. Have some walnuts

Walnuts are a go-to food for amazing skin! Not only are they full of essential fatty acids, which help to keep your skin hydrated and strong, but they also contain vitamin E and various B vitamins for added healing, soothing, and rejuvenating properties. Grab a handful and know you’re giving your skin a boost of nutrition!

  1. Grab your favorite BB Cream

Want a more flawless complexion in minutes? Turn to BB cream, which is basically like the perfect combination of foundation and skincare. Typically full of wonderfully nourishing skincare ingredients, BB creams also provide a bit of color correction to even out your skin tone. So when you don’t even have 10 minutes, throw on some BB cream and you’re good to go!